Craps is the oldest game in the world. They were being thrown long before cards, much less ‘one-armed bandits’ were invented. Not surprisingly, craps continues to grow in popularity in the modern world.
Craps is a game of six-sided dice. On correct dice the sum of the dots on opposite planes necessarily equals seven: 1 against 6, 2 against 5, a three is a companion to a four.
There are always two dice. Despite the quality of the material from which they are made, the edges of the dice rub off as the game progresses. The possibility of cheating arises. So in decent gambling houses the dice were always changed after eight hours of use.
The game has two stages. The first is Come Out Roll: you need it to determine the point. It can be any number except 2, 3, 7, 11, 12. This number is played in the next phase, Point Roll. You can play as many rounds as you like and the game ends when you roll a Point – or the dice total is 7.
Craps can be won with all sorts of combinations. You just have to decide what you’re betting on. First Step Options:
The numbers and numbers listed above fall – someone wins, someone loses, and the Come Out Roll repeats. With other sums on the dice faces, the point is deemed certain, and the second stage of the game begins.
Here, the prospects – especially the long term ones – are much wider. You can make the following bets.
You can bet on the intermediate rounds as well, and in a wide variety of variations.
The more main and additional bets, the greater the chances of winning, much like roulette. The key to success – the ability to analyze: you need to consider all the parameters-refinements. And calculate the benefits of simultaneously placing chips on fields that have opposite values.
There are quite a few of them! The differences are in the betting options and the layout of the playing field. With the advent of online casinos, the dice options have expanded. Now the number of players can be any number. The order in which you play depends on the sequence in which you join the game (connect to the platform). The “readings” of the dice are generated by the software, randomly, so that the likelihood of cheating is virtually nil.
You can choose from several varieties of craps. Here are some of the most popular ones.
Unless you start rolling the dice yourself, you won’t discover the beauty of craps. Try it, get your first win and you’ll never give it up again!
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